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Functions Airbnb Hosts Must Be Aware Of This Summer Part 1

As an Airbnb host, it's important to know any of the changes in the guidelines, features, and functions on the platform. Doing so will allow you to serve your guests much better, as well as make your ventures much more fruitful. Most of these shifts and new policies are introduced seasonally or annually.

Since a lot of hosts are still not familiar with some of these functions that have come through this summer, we're going to cover them in this two-part article. Continue reading to learn more about Airbnb Categories, Split Stays, and AirCover.

Airbnb Categories

There was a time wherein Airbnb did away with categories, allowing hosts to simply write what they'd like and relying on the listing description. However, Airbnb has finally reinforced and optimized Airbnb categories once again to make it easier for guests to browse.

Hosts are now encouraged to label and fill in what categories their listings fall under. For example, Airbnb gives you the option to set the price of your listing. Keep in mind that the price range your listing falls on will depend on the guests' set filters.

Airbnb Split Stays

Do you offer two separate, independently-controllable spaces on your Airbnb profile? If you're a host that is handling multiple listings thanks to a multi-property or different properties, you'll be delighted as Airbnb Split Stays help your listings be much more visible for people.

Essentially, guests will be able to book the two listings that you offer for a week or more. This can be quite appealing to those who are having trouble with setting a more long-term stay or finding a large rental while traveling in a group.

Airbnb AirCover

AirCover is Airbnb's new and improved offer for hosts to safeguard against damages caused by guests. The previous insurance policy only covered expenses for repairs or replacement of damaged or broken items. Now, AirCover is made up of these four new functions:

  • Booking Protection Guarantee. The Booking Protection Guarantee covers the majority of costs if a guest cancels a booking. It will reimburse you for the loss of a guest's booking, as long as you can prove you're a verified host and they have made a confirmed payment.

  • Check-In Guarantee. The Check-In Guarantee reimburses you for the guest's inability to check into the host's property, especially in cases when you can't resolve the issue. Once again, this is only accessible if you provide evidence that you're a verified host.

  • Get-What-You-Booked Guarantee. If a guest isn't satisfied with one's property or finds it different from what's advertised, the Get-What-You-Booked Guarantee will reimburse their fees. Alternatively, the guest will be transferred to a different listing that's similar in category and location. This feature can be beneficial for hosts to get guests.

  • 24-Hour Safety Line. Airbnb's 24-Hour Safety Line is similar to the company's customer service hotline. Guests can call it directly via landline or mobile phone to resolve property issues and concerns, making it a good resource for immediate assistance.


Many hosts may find it a bit difficult to get adjusted to these latest changes, but they are there to better the overall hosting experience. After all, Airbnb is continually growing and improving. Stay tuned for part two for more new Airbnb functions this summer!

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