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Boosting Your Airbnb Reviews: A List of Tips and Tricks

As the sharing economy continues to grow, Airbnb has become a popular platform for travelers looking for unique and affordable accommodations. With over 7 million listings worldwide, Airbnb has revolutionized how people travel and has created new opportunities for hosts to earn extra income.

However, the success of an Airbnb host largely depends on their reviews. Positive reviews can attract more guests and increase bookings, while negative reviews can have the opposite effect. Therefore, it is crucial for Airbnb hosts to focus on getting more reviews and maintaining a high rating.

In this article, we will explore some practical strategies that hosts can use to get more reviews on Airbnb. By implementing these tips and tricks, you can increase your chances of getting more reviews and creating a successful Airbnb business.

Provide Excellent Customer Service

The first step in getting more reviews on Airbnb is to provide excellent customer service. Ensure that your guests have a great experience during their stay. Respond to their inquiries promptly, be friendly, and go the extra mile to make their stay comfortable. When guests feel satisfied, they are more likely to leave a review.

Ask for Reviews

Sometimes guests may forget to leave a review, so it is essential to remind them. You can send a friendly message after their stay, thanking them for choosing your Airbnb and requesting them to leave a review. Make sure to ask politely and provide a direct link to the review page to make it easy for them.

Make Your Listing Stand Out

Make your listing appealing to potential guests by highlighting its unique features. Ensure that your listing has clear photos and accurate descriptions of your space. Use keywords that guests may be searching for and highlight any amenities, such as complimentary breakfast, free Wi-Fi, or a fantastic view. A well-crafted listing can attract more guests and increase your chances of getting more reviews.

Offer Incentives

Offering incentives can encourage guests to leave reviews. For instance, you can provide a discount on their next stay or a small gift, such as a bottle of wine, for leaving a review. While you should not bribe guests for reviews, offering incentives shows that you value their feedback and appreciate their time.

Follow Up with Guests

Following up with guests after their stay is an excellent way to get feedback and encourage them to leave a review. You can send a personalized message asking them about their experience and whether they have any suggestions for improvement. This will show guests that you care about their opinion and are committed to providing the best experience possible.

Respond to Reviews

Responding to reviews, whether positive or negative, shows that you are engaged and care about your guests' experience. Responding to positive reviews allows you to show your appreciation and thank guests for their kind words. Responding to negative reviews shows that you are committed to fixing any issues and improving your service.

Provide a Memorable Experience

Providing a memorable experience is an excellent way to ensure that guests leave positive reviews. You can offer personalized recommendations on local attractions, restaurants, and activities or provide unique experiences, such as a cooking class or a guided tour. When guests have a memorable experience, they are likelier to leave a review and recommend your Airbnb to others.


Getting more reviews on Airbnb requires effort and dedication. By providing excellent customer service, asking for reviews, making your listing stand out, offering incentives, following up with guests, responding to reviews, and providing a memorable experience, you can increase your chances of getting more reviews. Remember that reviews are critical to your success as an Airbnb host, so make sure to prioritize them.

To learn more about how an Airbnb review can maximize your property’s earnings, rely on We help you run your Airbnb like an expert without needing to be one. Join us for our next training to know how we've helped hosts increase their earnings by up to 389 percent.

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