Jordan Hrovat

Jun 26, 20233 min

Protecting Your Airbnb Business: Tips for Spotting Squatters

Airbnb has revolutionized the hospitality industry, providing travelers with affordable and unique accommodations while giving homeowners an opportunity to earn extra income. However, with the rise of Airbnb comes the risk of squatters, those who book a short-term rental with no intention of leaving. Airbnb squatters can cause significant damage to your property, disrupt neighborly relationships, and even result in legal issues.

What Are Airbnb Squatters?

Airbnb squatters are individuals who use Airbnb as a means of obtaining free or low-cost housing. They may book a short-term rental with no intention of leaving and may refuse to vacate the property even after the booking period has ended. This can result in significant financial loss for the homeowner, as they are unable to rent out the property to other guests during this time.

Spotting the Warning Signs

The first step in protecting your Airbnb business from squatters is to learn how to spot the warning signs. Here are some common red flags to watch out for:

1. Long-term bookings: Be wary of guests who book your property for an extended period, such as a month or more. While some guests may need a longer stay, this can also be a sign of a squatter who has no intention of leaving.

2. Numerous guests: If your guest is hosting multiple people at your property, it could be a sign of a party or event that could lead to damages or noise complaints.

3. Lack of communication: If a guest is unresponsive or does not communicate with you during their stay, it could be a sign that they are trying to avoid detection as a squatter.

4. Refusal to leave: If a guest refuses to leave at the end of their booking period, it is a clear sign of a squatter. Be sure to have a clear policy in place for how to handle this situation.

Protecting Your Business

Now that you know how to spot the warning signs of Airbnb squatters, it's time to take steps to protect your business. Here are some strategies to consider:

1. Screen your guests: Use Airbnb's guest screening tools to vet potential guests before accepting their booking. This can include reviewing their profile, past reviews, and communication history.

2. Have clear policies: Create clear policies for your guests, such as a maximum number of guests allowed and a strict check-out time. This can help deter squatters and give you clear grounds for eviction if necessary.

3. Communicate with your guests: Maintain open communication with your guests throughout their stay. This can help establish a positive relationship and make it easier to address any issues that arise.

4. Install security cameras: Installing security cameras can help deter squatters and provide evidence if damages occur.

5. Have a plan in place: In the event that a guest refuses to leave, have a plan in place for how to handle the situation. This can include contacting local law enforcement or seeking legal assistance to address the squatting.


While Airbnb can be a lucrative business opportunity, it's essential to be aware of the potential risks, including the threat of squatters. By learning how to spot the warning signs and taking steps to protect your business, you can help ensure a positive experience for both you and your valued guests.

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